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The above material was excerpted and or adapted from the book


The Deification of Democratic Governance and the Subversion of Individual Liberty”

Copyright 2013 by Trenton Fervor, ISBN: 978-1-4759-8100-1,

available at,, and other booksellers worldwide.

All material on this entire website is subject to the

copyright restrictions indicated at the front of the above book.

Please reference the "Use of Material" page on this website to learn about specific additional

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“Now-a-days, men wear a fool’s cap, and call it a liberty cap. I do not know but there are some, who, if they were tied to a whipping-post, and could get but one hand free, would use it to ring the bells and fire the cannons, to celebrate their liberty... The joke could be no broader, if the inmates of the prisons were to subscribe for all the powder to be used in such salutes, and hire the jailers to do the firing and ringing for them, while they enjoyed it through the grating.”                  – Henry David Thoreau

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